Automatically Extract Audio out of Video Files

Use for large video files to reduce upload size and improve upload time

Select your operating system:

Win 64 bit Win 32 bit Mac

Follow these steps if you are on Windows 64 bit:

  1. Click the following button to download a .zip file, named
  2. Copy to your C hard drive
  3. Extract the zip file.
  4. Verify that you now have a folder named speechnotes_ffmpeg directly within your C hard drive. If you do - continue.
  5. Click the following button to download a .bat file, named speechnotes_audio_extractor.bat
  6. Copy speechnotes_audio_extractor.bat to any directory that has the video files you want to extract the audio from.
  7. Double click the copied speechnotes_audio_extractor.bat file in order to run it. It should automatically open a command line window and run there.
  8. Once finished, it creates a folder named speechnotes-output-audio-only where in it are all the extracted audio only out of the videos.
  9. Have more video files is a different directory? Simply repeat 'Copy speechnotes_audio_extractor.bat to any directory...'  and on with the other directory.

Advanced Notes

Supported Video Files

Don't have a C hard drive?

You may use a different drive, but, you will have to edit the .bat file, and replace every 'C://' with your drive of choice.

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